"What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it?" (Luke 15:4)
Song: The Church of Jesus Christ (CS, 77)
Prayer: Mom
Scripture: Doctrine & Covenants 18:10, 15-16
Parable of the Lost Sheep
Place 99 items (e.g., jelly beans, pennies or cotton balls) in a jar. After family members guess how many items are in the jar, count them. Explain that there should be 100 but you have lost one. Look for the hidden item until you find it. Read Luke 15: 3-7 and show gospel art. Who are Jesus' sheep? What should we do if one sheep is lost?
Feed My Sheep
After Jesus was resurrected, he appeared to his apostles on three separate occasions. Tell the story found in John 21: 1-17. How can we, like Peter, feed the Lord's lambs and sheep? Why did Jesus repeat this instruction three times? How does caring for the Lord's sheep show our love for Him?
Missionary Work
How is missionary work like finding and feeding lost lambs or gathering fish in a net? What do these teachings of Jesus teach us about the worth of a soul? Discuss the joy that comes from sharing the gospel.
Marco Polo (Revised)
Blindfold one family member. Instruct all others to hide in different places around the room. When the blindfolded person says, "Lost," all the others should say, "Sheep." Repeat this saying until the seeker is able to use his or her ears to find where all the others are hiding. Play until everyone has had at least one chance to be blindfolded.
Homemade Sweet Rolls
Song: I Feel My Savior's Love (CS, 74)
Prayer: Collin
I love the concrete experience of seeing 99 and looking for the one-- this will help the parable come alive for sure!