Opening song: The Lord Gave Me a Temple
Prayer: Mom
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 (Bible, New Testament)
What is the Word of Wisdom?
The Lord revealed to the prophet Joseph Smith a law of health called the Word of Wisdom. The health of our physical body affects the health of our spirit. The Word of Wisdom teaches us how we can care for our bodies so the Spirit of the Lord may be with us.
Blessings of Obedience
The Word of Wisdom is an example of modern-day revelation (see Doctrine and Covenants, Section 89). This law teaches us that we are to eat healthy foods and avoid harmful substances, including alcohol, tobacco, tea and coffee. It was given to the prophet Joseph Smith in 1833, long before people were fully aware of the harmful effects of these and other drugs. Those who followed the prophet and were obedient to this law received blessings of physical health and spiritual protection.
Daniel Refuses the King's Meat and Wine
Tell the story of Daniel and his friends requesting different foods in the court of King Nebuchadnezzar (see Bible, Daniel 1). Explain that Daniel and his friends refused the king's meat and wine because they knew it would not be good for them (see artwork). What are the similarities between the Word of Wisdom and the law of health that Daniel followed? Discuss the need for additional warnings given to us now.
Testify that we are blessed physically and spiritually for our faith and obedience to God's commandments, including the Word of Wisdom.
Carving Oranges
Cut a hole in the top of an orange and scoop out the fruit inside. Then carve a face into the orange peel to make a mini jack-o-lantern. Fill with fruit salad if desired (see recipe below).
Puppet Show
Make finger puppets from used gloves by cutting off the fingertips and dressing them with yarn hair, felt clothing and googly eyes. The puppets can represent Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, Abed-nego, King Nebuchadnezzar, the King's servant, etc. Make a small stage out of a box and draw scenery pages to exchange on the back of it. Then use the puppets and stage to re-tell the story above, as well as other stories about these heroic men, e.g., Daniel in the Lion's Den (see Daniel 6) and Three Men in the Fiery Furnace (see Daniel 3).
Fruit Salad
Mix 3-4 cups of fruit with 1/3 c. brown sugar and 1/2 c. sour cream. Suggested fruits include, strawberries, grapes, apples, pears, oranges and bananas. Serve in orange bowls carved to look like jack-o-lanterns.
Closing song: The Word of Wisdom
Prayer: Collin
P.S. This photo depicts my favorite part of the story. Here Collin is showing Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego in the fiery furnace with Jesus protecting them. When Collin did this it just made me smile. It looked so cute! And Collin ended the story like this, "When we keep the commandments we'll be protected just like Daniel and his friends." What a sweet little testimony from a little five-year-old boy. Love you Collin.
And Owen really loved the fruit salad...
Conducting= Luke
Lesson= Collin
Activity= Mom
Treat= Dad
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