Opening song: Book of Mormon Stories (CS, 118)
Prayer: Luke
The following activities will help familiarize children with the scriptures.
Station 1: Scripture Book Scramble
Write the names of each book in the Bible or Book of Mormon on index cards. Help children find the Table of Contents in the scriptures, then use it to place the cards in the right order. (Older children can form two teams and compete to put a set of cards in the correct order.)
Station 2: Scripture Cookies
Use the scriptures to find the missing ingredients in a recipe for scripture cookies (see "Bulletin Board" in The Friend, March 2010 or "Kitchen Krafts" in The Friend, January 1998). Then follow the recipe to bake the cookies.
Tip: Our children were too young to look up scriptures by themselves, but they got a kick out of watching Mom and Dad race to find each one. (Dad won this game of scripture chase, but it was close.)
Station 3: Scripture Song Circle
While the cookies are baking, place index cards (described above) on the floor in a circle. Walk around the circle as you listen to the song "The Books in the Book of Mormon" (CS, 119). When the music stops, choose a card to stand on. Draw a scripture book out of a bowl. Whoever is standing on that card gets a sticker.
Note: Songs for the books in the Old and New Testaments are also available in the Children's Songbook.
Scripture cookies
We chose the latter scripture cookie recipe above (from The Friend, January 1998) because we like oatmeal raisin cookies. Yum!
We had a backwards night and went for a short bike ride before we started our lesson. That way we didn't run out of daylight.
Closing song: Scripture Power
Prayer: Mom
Conducting= Dad
Lesson= Luke
Activity= Collin
Treat= Mom
I love those happy smiles! Having fun while learning rich spiritual lessons is the BEST way to connect kids to the gospel. This sounds like a delightful evening!