Song: Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam (CS, 60)
Prayer: Dad
Scripture: D&C 18: 10, 15-16
A Rescue Mission
Read "Come to the Rescue" (see Friend, April 2010). Complete the maze to rescue a friend in need. How is missionary work like a rescue mission? Read the story "Making a Difference" (see Friend, April 2010). What did Ryan do to reach out and rescue? Read more member missionary stories posted on the "Bulletin Board" (see Friend, April 2010). What are some ways you can be a missionary at home, at school, and at play?
Creating a Gospel-sharing Home
Decorate a missionary box. Fill a shoe box with items that you can share with others, such as a Book of Mormon, a church video, pass along cards, Family Proclamation pamphlets, a music CD, etc. (Then you'll always know where they are.) Set a goal to give all of the items away by a certain date. For more suggestions on how your family can share the gospel see, "Creating a Gospel-sharing Home" by Elder M. Russell Ballard (see Ensign, May 2006).
Work together to make a bird house or a bird feeder (using pinecones, peanut butter and bird seed). Hang it in your yard and watch for birds. Learn to identify a few bird species in your area. See online Bird Identification Guide.
Popcorn balls
Song: The Church of Jesus Christ (CS, 77)
Prayer: Luke
Love those happy smiles on your little guys, they look glad to share with the birds, and will no doubt one day share with the world all the gospel knowledge you're storing in their hearts!