Monday, October 26, 2009

Modesty Matters (Backwards Night)

"The human body is God's sacred creation. Respect your body as a gift from God. Through your dress and appearance, you can show the Lord that you know how precious your body is" (from Modesty, True to the Faith).

Tonight is backwards night! That is, we will reverse the order in which we conduct our family home evening. Our kids love backwards night because the treat and activity come first, i.e. before the lesson. We even read our scripture backwards, which the kids find entertaining.

Closing song: I Love to See the Temple
Prayer: Collin


Leaf Memory Game
Go for a nature walk to collect autumn leaves. Be sure to collect at least two of each kind. When you're back home, glue or tape two of each kind to index cards to make a leaf memory game. Play the game together with your family.

Refreshment: Upside-down Pumpkin Pie (see recipe below)

The Lord's Standard of Modesty
Display a copy of "My Gospel Standards". Read and discuss the standards listed below.
  • I will dress modestly to show respect to Heavenly Father and myself.
  • I will only read and watch things that are pleasing to Heavenly Father.
  • I will keep my mind and body sacred and pure.
What does it mean to dress modestly? How does dressing modestly show respect for Heavenly Father? When we are modest, we do not draw attention to ourselves. Instead we invite the companionship of the Spirit and exercise a good influence on those around us.

Avoid Pornography
Read the story "The Best Coach" (see Friend, Oct. 2009).
How is the Holy Ghost like a coach? How did the Holy Ghost help Jacob choose the right? If you are reading or watching something (books, magazines, TV, Internet) that starts to make you uncomfortable, what can you do?

Fill Your Mind with Good Things
Just like your body must be filled with healthy foods, your mind must be filled with uplifting thoughts and good memories. What you see and hear stays in your mind for a long time. (Refer to the leaf memory activity above.) When we keep our mind pure, the Holy Ghost can be with us to teach and guide us.

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 (Bible, New Testament)
Opening song: The Lord Gave Me a Temple
Prayer: Dad

Recipe: Upside-down Pumpkin Pie
1 can (29oz) Cooked Pumpkin
1 can (12oz) Evaporated Milk
3 Eggs
1 c. Sugar
1t. Salt
3 t. Cinnamon

1 box Yellow Cake Mix
1 c. Sliced Almonds or Chopped Pecans
3/4 c. Melted Butter

Mix the first six ingredients until well blended. Pour into a 9X13 pan. Sprinkle cake mix evenly over the top of the mixture, then sprinkle with nuts. Pour melted butter over everything. Bake 50 min. at 350 degrees. Serve warm and top with homemade whipped cream.

Conducting= Luke
Lesson= Dad
Activity= Collin
Treat= Mom

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