Monday, March 22, 2010

The Book of Mormon: Safety for the Soul

"I [declare] to the world...that the Book of Mormon is true, that it...was given to bring happiness and hope to the faithful in the travail of the latter days." (Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, Ensign Nov. 2009)

Song: Scripture Power
Prayer: Mom

The Book of Mormon
What is the Book of Mormon and why was it written? It is another testament of Jesus Christ and it was written for our day. When Jesus was resurrected, he appeared to many in Jerusalem. He also appeared to a group of believers living in the Americas and taught them His gospel (3 Nephi 11).

Safety for the Soul
In the last general conference of the church, Elder Holland testified that the Book of Mormon provides "safety for the soul." How does daily study of the Book of Mormon provide spiritual safety and protection? Share a personal experience about a time when the scriptures helped you.

Sharing Testimony
Elder Holland shared his personal testimony that the Book of Mormon is true. How can we gain a testimony of the Book of Mormon? Read Moroni 10:4-5.

Prepare a testimony glove (see Friend, Oct. 2008). Use the glove to talk about how the Book of Mormon can help us gain a testimony of many things, including a testimony of the restoration and the reality of God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ.

Invite family members to wear the testimony glove and practice sharing their own testimony starting with the phrase, "I know that...". Make sure that everyone has an opportunity to share something they know is true.

Song: Search, Ponder, and Pray (CS, 109)
Prayer: Collin

Refreshment: Tres leches cake with strawberries and kiwi

Scripture Pictures Game
This game is played like "Pictionary" but uses scripture verses to provide the person, place or thing that will be drawn. See suggested list of scripture references in the Friend, Nov. 2008.

Conducting= Mom
Lesson= Dad
Activity= Luke
Treat= Collin

1 comment:

  1. The glove is genius! What a great way to help kids get experience in bearing a testimony--so many great ideas in this one fhe!
